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The Art of Religion


  • Sept. 9, 2018: “Jesus is Coming – Look Busy”
    Rev. Gail Seavey and Worship Associate Valerie Martin
    A bumper sticker inspired the above title. It also inspired us to look at how our Unitarian Universalist emphasis on “deeds not creeds” and “by their fruits you will know them,” may encourage us to place too much emphasis on Human “doing” and not enough on human “being.” We will explore the vocation of not looking busy.


  • May 24, 2020: “Loneliness or Solitude?” 
    First Unitarian Universalist
    Church of Nashville
    Rev. Gail Seavey and Steve Haruch, Worship Associate
    WorshipCast License #9390


  • June 28: "Listening to the Future"
    As we say goodbye, we turn towards two different but exciting futures, yours and mine.
    Music: Blue Boat Home, HYFRYDOL lyrics by Peter Mayer
    We Tell the Story by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty
    Spirit of Life, Carolyn McDade
    Turn the World Around, Harry Belafonte and Robert Freeman WorshipCast License #9390



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